Thousands of Leads in Your Niche, Delivered to Your Inbox

Our curated list helps you find partners, competitors, and investment targets you did not know existed

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70% of tech sales opportunities are missed due to fragmented startup data

funding announcements, email, website, tech directories... Valuable lead information is buried across countless sources


Executives waste 30% of their week searching for accurate company information


65% of startups fail from poor market analysis due to fragmented industry data


Business leaders miss 40% of potential partnerships hidden in industry blind spots


90% of opportunities are missed because of incomplete industry insights

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Simple and Transparent Pricing

Skip the prospecting. Our curated list helps you identify potential clients in your niche.

One time, Newbie

One time payment, Refund possible



  • One time 65 Leads
  • One time Payment
  • Human collected data
  • Delivered on 1st of the Month

Indie hackers, early founders

Monthly Subscription. Cancel Anytime



  • Hundreads of Leads
  • Select your niche
  • Human collected data
  • Delivered monthly


Yearly Subscription. Cancel Anytime




  • Hundreads of Leads
  • Select your niche
  • Human collected data
  • Delivered monthly


Frequently Asked Questions

  • You get the latest curated list of tech companies leads every month in your inbox. We send out the list on the 1st of every month. As soon as you subscribe, you receive the list from the previous month.

  • All data points in our lists, including names, description, link, emails and other details of the companies are available publicly. We can disclose the source of a specific data point to you need. You just need to let us know :D

  • Yes, just email us at support at atbsh dot com

  • Cool, contact us by email support at atbsh dot com